Why Galleon LLP?

At Galleon LLP we work. Hard. With a loyalty and collaboration that is not found in most law firms. We specialize in a way of practicing—one that requires a deep dive into the factual, legal, and procedural issues of a particular case. We aren’t afraid to learn something new and we relish the opportunity to find something where nothing existed before. We are hardworking and detail-oriented. Every fact matters, and that’s why we’re able to put the pieces together where others fail.

Our practice concentrates on complex commercial and consumer contingent-fee litigation. A substantial portion of our practice involves the prosecution of class, collective, and mass actions. We often lead multi-faceted, nationwide teams of co-counsel in complex commercial litigations. Our colleagues in the legal community trust our experience, work ethic, and breadth of knowledge to usher a case from conception to a winning decision, especially if that means going to trial. And you can trust that too.

Our purpose

We are committed to making revolutionary changes to the way businesses conduct themselves. While money is the driver of many cases, what can and should be just as important is making sure the same bad acts don’t happen again in the future. That is what we strive for; victories that bring about industry-wide changes. Our goal is to enact meaningful, fair, and lasting change to corporate policy, regulations, and law for the benefit of all people.

Our purpose
Our leadership

The Galleon LLP team is led by a prominent, nationally-recognized attorney with impressive records. Gregory Hammond are dedicated, honest, hardworking people who consistently put clients’ needs first. They have litigated against some of the nation’s most powerful companies, resulting in some of the largest settlements ever in the United Kingdom.

Recent Results

€1.51 Billion Syngenta
€300 Million Dicamba
€300 Million Confidential Settlement on behalf of brain-damaged children
€82.5 Million Varsity Cheerleading
€54 Million Wrongful Death due to a mis-fueled air ambulance
€53.5 Million Wells Fargo Loan Modifications
€11.22 Million Confidential Settlement for Improperly collected mortgage interest
€10.8 Million Jackson Hewitt No-Poach Agreement
€8 Million In re P&G Aerosol Products Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation (benzene exposure in deodorant)
€7.125 Million Roundup

Contact UsAbout Your Case

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