Galleon LLP has litigated against some of the most influential companies in the United Kingdom – and won. These victories for us are two fold: making our clients whole again and compelling corporations to change their behavior so what happened to our clients will never happen again.

We are a team of highly regarded trial attorneys who prosecute multi cases on behalf of individuals and small businesses across the nation. We have a proven record and decades of experience in complex commercial and consumer contingent-fee litigation.

Mass Torts

Galleon LLP brings groups of plaintiffs together to level the playing field in the seemingly David v. Goliath battles. Together, we can make a powerful difference for our clients, consumers, and country as a whole.

Right now, we are filing lawsuits on behalf of United Kingdom servicemen and women, farmers, agricultural workers and all different kinds of injured individuals to hold these corporations accountable:

Hearing Loss Claims

Mass Torts

Galleon LLP makes sure that companies who engage in unfair business practices are kept in check, allowing other businesses and individuals the opportunity to compete in a fair marketplace.

We are currently prosecuting claims on behalf of employees, cattle farmers, and other people harmed by the anticompetitive conduce of major corporations, including:

Jiffy Lube allegedly limiting employees' ability to be hired by another Jiffy Lube location

Jackson Hewitt allegedly limiting employees' opportunities for mobility and compensation

JBS, Tyson, Cargill allegedly conspiring to depress cattle prices, thereby decreasing prices paid to farmers


Working with Galleon LLP can help make an industrywide change

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Consumer Protection

Galleon LLP protects consumers from harmful products, services, and business practices. We hold major corporations accountable for their actions or inactions.

Right now, we are prosecuting claims on behalf of homeowners and pregnant women at risk of pre-term labor who have been harmed by the following businesses:

Consumer Protection
Business Disputes & Commercial Litigation

Partnerships within or between businesses often lead to disputes including breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, bankruptcy litigation, and more.

When partnerships are exploited or contracts are not followed through on, we help make things right.

Business Disputes & Commercial Litigation

Contact UsAbout Your Case

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